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Need For Business Loan

Setting up and growing a business from scratch is an uphill task, and can call for considerable investments. Getting business loans can make the journey so much easier for budding entrepreneurs. Focus Financial and Management Consultants aims to aid small business owners in their challenging phases, by facilitating the provision of business loans on easy terms. Whether you are setting up a manufacturing unit, buying machinery, opening an outlet, expanding your staff or exploring unexplored markets, seed fund is crucial and we help you out right there.

Setting Up

The groundwork for business often involves purchasing assets and creating a team. This requires capital and business loans as the perfect solution.


When business has caught momentum, you cannot afford to lose steam due to lack of funds. Business loans help you expand with the right equipment in hand.

Cash Flow

Maintaining the cash flow is the first requirement for stress free business. Easy credit availability means you will not have to cut corners when running the set up.

Procedure for Getting Business Loan

We have formulated a syndication procedure that is extremely short and simple. Without any hassles and time lags, getting business loan credited in your account is only 3 steps away. Call us to initiate the process for loans now.

– Consultation with Experts

Our team will help you decide your exact loan requirements, suitable tenure of payment and calculate the interest amount. We aid you in selecting the right source of funds.

– Apply Online for a Loan

You can easily apply online for business loan and upload the required documents like proof of identity, salary slips/ balance sheet, business plan, address proof, etc.

– Verification of Documents

Vetting the documents is a quick and collaborative process wherein our partners ensure that all papers are original and details are authentic.

– Amount Credited to Account

It takes 3-4 working days to get the loan amount credited by the bank or NBFC. In case of loans of up to 2 cr. the money is sent directly to the business account.

Requirements for Procuring Business Loan

Our syndicated loans can be availed by those who fulfil a few basic criteria, as given below.

  • image Your business must be earning profits in the past three years
  • image If your business is less than 3 years old, our partners will review the business plan & projected revenues
  • image Credit score must be satisfactory and company must not be blacklisted by any bank/NBFC
  • image The documents submitted must be authentic and details must be clear
  • image The plan for using business loan is needed, mentioning the purpose/ department
  • image Memorandum and the Article of association must be present

Credit Score

It is simple to assess your credit score online, as provided by a trusted government organisation. The ideal credit score for getting business loan is between 600 and 900. We can help you assess and improve your credit score. Availing credit through FFMC - A Unit of MK Consulting will boost your credit rating for the future.

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